Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting Your Privacy

The EastCoast Human Resource Group is committed to providing you with the higher level of service, including the protection of your Privacy. From 21 December 2001 we are governed by new sections of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, which sets out the Principles concerning the protection of your personal information.

Your Personal Information

Personal information held by the EastCoast Human Resource Group may include your name, date of birth, address and phone number, bank account details and Tax File Number (if you perform temporary work on behalf of EastCoast Human Resource Group), your work experience and qualifications, aptitude test results and information obtained by us including reference checks in connection with your possible work placements.

How We Collect Your Personal Information

EastCoast Human Resource Group collects personal information in a number of ways including;

  • Directly from you, when you complete and lodge our registration form or any other information in connection with your application form for permanent or temporary work.
  • From third parties such as reference checks with your former employer
  • Any competency test or performance feedback, whether positive or negative.
  • Whether we receive any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved.

When We Disclose Your Personal Information

For the purpose set out above, we may disclose your personal information to organisations including:

  • Your referees and employer clients of the EastCoast Human Resource Group.
  • Our insurers or a Workers Compensation body.
  • A professional association or registration body that has proper interest in the disclosure of our personal and sensitive information.
  • Our contractors and suppliers – e.g. – our IT contractors and database designers.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You have the right to access your personal, subject to some exemptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know. We reserve the right to charge a fee for searching and providing access to your information I f you have any questions concerning the privacy Information, you can contact us on (07)5443 6022.


Code of Conduct

Private Employment Agents Act 2005

Private Employment Agents (Code of Conduct) Regulation 2005

Information for Statement for Work Seekers

(Other than Models and Performers)

Your relationship with a private employment agent is regulated by a number of Commonwealth and State laws, in particular the Private Employment Agents Act 2005 and the Private Employment Agents (Code Of Conduct) Regulation 2005(The Code).

Prior to providing us with placement and employment services, we are obliged as a private employment agent, to provide you, as a work seeker, with the following information:

  • We must not charge you a fee for finding or attempting to find work for you in contravention of sectio408D of the Industrial Relations Act 1999.
  • We and our employees have a working knowledge of State and Commonwealth legislation affecting the placement and employment of work seekers.
  • We will ensure that all placements are made in accordance with any relevant legislative requirements.
  • If you believe that your agent has acted illegally, inappropriately or in a false or misleading way, you may obtain information about action that may be taken from the Department of Industrial Relations, GPO Box 69 Brisbane, Queensland,4001, phone (07) 3225 2069.

Agent’s Name: EastCoast Human Resource Group

Agent’s Address: Suite 9, 68 The Boulevard Centre, Jessica Blvd Minyama

Agent’s Contact Number: 07 5443 6022